The benefits of group exercise classes
Group Exercise classes are for everyone. It doesn’t matter what your exercise experience is or your level of fitness. You don’t need to be Fred Astaire to keep up with choreography! There’s something for everyone, and numerous reasons why you should give it a go…. not to mention it is FREE for all members as part of your membership.
Meet like minded people and make friends. Training with a mate is great for motivation.
Training with others creates a fun atmosphere – as they say, time flies when you are having fun!
No matter what your style is, there is a class for you. Pilates, Yoga, Rev, Bootcamp, Step or Zumba – everything you desire is under the one roof! Check out the timetable.
All of our instructors are qualified and experienced – you’ll get the safest, most effective workout every time.
If you haven’t trained for a while or are new to the gym you’ll have someone making sure you know what to do. Take the guess work out of your workout.
All of our classes are”freestyle.” No pre-choreography means variety you can’t get anywhere else. No boredom!