
Physiotherapist with patient

Ask The Physio: What Is Physiotherapy?

Physiotherapist with patient

Following recent presentations at Revesby Workers’ Club it became clear that not everyone was familiar with what the role of a Physiotherapist is, or how they can help you. WHAT IS PHYSIOTHERAPY? Physiotherapy is a healthcare profession that assesses, diagnoses, treats, and works to prevent painful conditions, diseases and disability through physical therapy means. Physiotherapists […]

Man stretching in park

Mobility & Stretching

Man stretching in park

When a joint can’t move, there will always be another muscle or joint that overcompensates for that lack of mobility. This is how postural imbalances and injuries occur. Why mobilise ankle joint? Calf/Achilles Lack of calf mobility is the number one limiter of a perfectly executed squat. Generally calf tightness stems from walking or the […]