Woman eating pizza instead of salad

Say No To Winter Weight Gain

Woman eating pizza instead of salad

Woman eating pizza instead of salad

When the colder seasons roll around, things in the gym start to change. Mindsets start to change and habits start to change as the fear of summery, beach attire starts to evaporate. We get comfortable and loosen the straps a little. For some this translates to a little extra stored energy on the waist line when the warmer weather surfaces again, but alas, this does not have to be the case. The following list comprises of a few steps which you may be able to take to make the most of your gains and make for an easier summer transition.

Ensure your exercise stays a regular part of your week

Although the days will be colder and get darker earlier , it doesn’t make them much different to what they were in daylight savings hours. 6pm is still 6pm, regardless if it is dark or light outside. If you normally train after work, keep up the schedule. If it is too cold outside just remember that the gym is the same temp year round and has great lighting.

Remember that little things count

Incidental exercise is a great way of burning extra energy. The old idea of parking the car further away and using steps instead of escalators is not new to anyone, but it really can be effective. Try wearing a pedometer to see how much incidental exercise you truly do. 10,000 steps per day should cut it!

Add some spice to your life

According to Health Mates, accredited practising dietician, Rebecca Gawthorne, spices are a great way to add flavour without the calories. Adding tasty spices such as cinnamon, cumin, coriander, tumeric, peppercorns, mustard seeds and garlic to your food will not only be a treat to your taste buds, they help boost health too. If you like things hot, chilli and cayenne will help fire your metabolism up too.

Eat more protein

Protein helps to keep you feeling satisfied for longer, reducing the likihood of overeating! Protein-rich foods such as lean red meat provide critical nutrients, like iron that may be lacking in your diet. Being low in iron can make you feel tired, unwell and lacking in motivation to exercise and eat healthy. Spread your protein intake out evenly throughout the day and include a source of protein such as meat, fish, legumes, dairy foods or nuts at every meal.

Have a plan “B”

If you cannot make a gym session for whatever reason, have back up activities which you can do to burn some fuel. This could be as simple as running your steps at home, walking outside, doing an exercise DVD or doubling up your effort next time around.

So there you have it! A few simple ideas that you can introduce into your daily routine, to get you through the colder months. Consider this; there is no time like the present, so why not start today? A day wasted is a day lost!