Feeling Stuck???

Start getting unstuck today with 3 simple steps!!!




We all want different things from life but there is one thing I know to be true…we all want to feel awesome, be happy and live a life that is joyous.

There may have been times where you’ve felt STUCK with your training, with finances or with your career. Maybe you are even going through it right now. I want you to know, you are not alone. Everyone goes through tough times in life where we hear those critical voices in our head that tell us that the choices we’ve been making aren’t really getting us anywhere. It can feel overwhelming and discouraging.

I want to share with you one of the many subconscious drivers behind feeling stuck, are share some tips on how to GET UNSTUCK!

Being stuck is essentially being out of alignment with ourselves. It is often a reflection of the powerlessness you feel about your current circumstances and how you feel about your capacity to meet your deepest needs.

So to help you get unstuck ask yourself the following three questions to gain clarity and help yourself re-align with your true goals, wants and needs. Once you are more aware of the mechanism behind stuck-ness you’ll be better prepared to move into real progress:

  1. “What is it that I’m really feeling right now?”

The first step to becoming un-stuck is clarity. I know it’s hard for some of us but really listen to yourself. Lots of emotions could arise, feelings of fear, failure, anxiety, and being disconnected from your life. Remember to be compassionate and kind with yourself here and pass no judgement on how you are feeling.

  1. “If I could have anything right now, what would it be?”

Gaining clarity around what you really want is the key to getting out of a rut. For example you may have an opportunity in your work to move forward and excel. Yet, subconsciously you may be sabotaging yourself by making other justifications as to why you cannot move forward or why you cannot be successful. This discrepancy in your want to move forward and you slamming on the brakes creates a stalemate within your life and can leave you with this feeling of STUCK.

When you are really honest with yourself and are aware of what is holding you back, you can work out a plan to grow, move forward and starting feeling a greater sense of awesomeness.

  1. “What are the next steps that I can actually DO?”

Once you gain the clarity between what you want and what you feel, you will be able to take the next step forward. This is the difference between wandering around and taking random action, versus taking a deliberate action that will assist you in feeling inspired and fulfilled.

The focus here is on taking the very next step. No matter how small or how many steps you take, being brave and taking the step will help you quickly feel unstuck. If you start thinking into the future and creating a huge to–do list, you’ll find yourself feeling overwhelmed and stuck again.

What you focus on grows stronger. Focus on what you want to see and achieve. Concentrate your efforts and thoughts on what you can do, rather than what and why you can’t do things. Focus on identifying specific, small outcomes that you want and schedule the next few steps to take action on.

Regularly checking in with yourself and asking three questions on a continual basis will lead you to consistent aligned action that builds sustainable momentum in your life and a feeling of awesomeness.

These simple tips can be used in all areas of your life including helping you to get unstuck with your health and fitness.

Written by Kelly Gentle (Personal Trainer & Group Exercise Instructor at Health Mates Fitness Centre)