Benefits of training for older adults (APRIL QUIZ)

As you age, regular exercise is more important than ever to your overall health. In fact, a recent Swedish study found that exercise was the number one contributor to longevity, adding extra years to your life—even if you don’t start exercising until your senior years. But it’s not just about adding years to your life, it’s about adding life to your years.

If the shoe fits

It is estimated that around 70 per cent of the population suffer from an overpronated foot where their foot rolls inwards excessively which is then worsened when wearing the wrong shoes. Many are unaware of their condition and therefore don’t address it when choosing footwear.

The benefits of weight training

Often at the end of my clients initial cardio program, they question me if it is really important that they come back to get a weights program, as they are trying to lose weight, not gain weight. For those of you who know me, you will know I’m very passionate about weight training and the importance of incorporating weight training into a weight loss training program. Therefore my answer to this question is always YES! It is equal to, if not more important for their goals! I cannot stress enough, if you are not currently weight training… you need to start!

A few tips for eating out

When eating out choosing the better options will be the difference between having to make up for it in the gym and falling behind on achieving the results you want. You can never out train a bad diet as playing catch up never works unless you are spending over 6 hours in the gym each day doing high intensity workouts for the entire time!

Daniel Cvetanovski

I don’t believe in “fad” diets or “quick fixes”, I don’t eat 7 meals a day or take supplements. I have found that having 3 good meals a day, eating healthy food from home is working well for me. I don’t restrict myself from going out on the weekends but I do always try to choose better options. (no Macca’s or KFC)

The Role of Physical Activity

Cancer is becoming more prevalent, so we thought we would touch on this topic knowing that many of you know of someone who is currently being treated or has survived cancer, or maybe you have it yourself. Cancer describes a disease in which abnormal cells multiply without control. More than 120,000 new cases are diagnosed yearly and one in two men and one in three women will be diagnosed with cancer by the age of 85.