Man with hands on back in pain

All about lower back pain (July Quiz)

Man with hands on back in pain

Back pain is extremely common – about 80 percent of people are affected at some point in their lifetime. Your back has many interconnecting structures including bones, joints, muscles, ligaments and tendons. Its main support structure is the spine, which is made up of 24 separate bones called vertebrae, plus the bones of the sacrum […]

Man with sprained ankle

The best way to recover from an ankle sprain and prevent long term damage

Man with sprained ankle

In the first article of our ‘Ask the Physio’ series, we posed the question to our local physiotherapist, Nick from Revesby Physiotherapy and Sports Injury Centre: ‘What is the best way to recover from an ankle sprain and prevent long term damage?’ Ankle sprains are one of the most common injuries we see in our physiotherapy clinic and […]


Hemaview Information Sessions


Hemaview is a powerful form of live blood screening that that is based on the medical science of hematology. It is useful in supporting your health practitioner (eg Dietitian, Naturopath) when assessing you for factors that influence your health. This may include: Possible nutritional requirements Immune system health Oxidative stress and free radical damage Liver […]

Old woman's hands

All About Osteoarthritis

Old woman's hands

Arthritis is a degenerative joint disease which is the leading cause of pain and disability within the elderly. It currently affects around 3.85 million Australians which accounts for about 15% of the population. The most common joints affected include the hips, knees, fingers, toes, ankles, spine, wrists and all other joints within the body. The […]

Revesby Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Centre

Introducing Revesby Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Centre

Revesby Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Centre

  Health Mates has built a referral relationship with Revesby Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Centre.   What do they do? Comprehensive assessment and treatment Provide a written or verbal report back to Health Mates so we can assist you in continuing your exercise Will provide referral for x-ray and other investigations if applicable Appointments on the […]

Spinach & Mushroom Omlette

Break the Fast

Spinach & Mushroom Omlette

By Raquel Sbrana (Registered Exercise Professional Level 2/Cert IV Fitness/Group Exercise/Boxing & Kickboxing) So I’m sure most of us have heard the old saying “breakfast is the most important meal of the day”, but do many of us know why? Let me put it simply; we need to break the fast. While we are sleeping […]

Fruit & Vegetables

Making Better Choices

Fruit & Vegetables

By Raquel Sbrana (Registered Exercise Professional Level 2/Cert IV Fitness/Group Exercise/Boxing & Kickboxing) DAILY CALORIE LIMITS I’m sure you have all heard of calorie expenditure, and are aware of the “eat less calories than what you need for energy each day to lose weight” rule of thumb. That’s all well and good, but how do I […]

Nut tins

Need somewhere to put your nuts?

Nut tins

Nuts contain moderate amounts of protein (9–20%) and with the sole exception of chestnuts, also contain large quantities of fat (49–74% total fat). This fat is mostly monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fat. Nuts are also a good source of dietary fibre and provide a wide range of essential nutrients, including several B group vitamins, vitamin E, […]

Older couple walking through park

The benefits of exercise in the prevention of cardiovascular disease and for those already diagnosed with cardiovascular disease

Older couple walking through park

There is compelling evidence that habitual physical exercise prevents the development of coronary artery disease. Consistent physical activity also reduces the symptoms in people with established cardiovascular disease. There is also evidence that exercise reduces the risks of other chronic diseases including Type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, obesity, depression and cancers of the breast and colon. […]