Melanoma & Exercise
Melanoma is a cancer that forms in the pigments of skin cells, known as melanocytes. Melanocytes are what protects the skin from ultraviolet light, such as sunlight. Often melanocytes aggregate together in the skin, resulting in the formation of a mole. Most moles are quite safe, however some moles can grow and divide abnormally. Growth can occur above the skin, or deep into the lower dermal layers, which can become Melanoma. Melanoma is the most serious form of skin cancer—left untreated it can grow quickly, spreading to other body parts. Melanoma can lead to death.
We now know that Melanoma is preventable. Drives like “Slip, Slop, Slap” have hopefully made all of us aware about the importance of being sun safe. If you see a mole begin to form or change seek a doctor’s advice immediately. But in the unfortunate event that we, or someone we are close to are diagnosed, exercise may be able to help you (or them) manage symptoms.
Doctors have noted the following benefits of exercising both during and after Melanoma treatment in their patients:
- Increased energy after their workouts.
- Reduced fatigue, or shorter bouts of.
- Better sleep.
- Reduced stress.
- Improved blood flow.
- Decreased risk of blood clots.
- Reduced risk of Heart Disease.
- Less risk of developing Osteoporosis.
- Better concentration.
- Less instances of depression.
- Ability to stabilise body weight
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